Why The ‘Circular Economy’ and a Life Time Guarantee
Here at Burland Technology, whilst commercial in our outlook, we adopt the ethos of the ‘Circular Economy’ in everything we do. Combine this with innovative thinking and you have a powerful combination, that not only saves our clients financially, but also helps protect our environment. To give further credence to our belief in circular economy Burland Technology Solutions (incorporating Electropatent International) are for the first time offering an industry first, lifetime warranty option on all Powerfloor underfloor power track systems and Multipoint Desk Modules series*. For those that are not aware, let’s explore what we mean by the circular economy.
According to Wrap.org; “A circular economy is an alternative to a traditional linear economy (make, use, dispose) in which we keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recover and regenerate products and materials at the end of each service life.”
We will all be familiar with both politicians and corporations making grandiose statements and commitments to reduce carbon footprint and pollution in general. We will also all be aware that all too often, the carefully worded declarations are often dominated by intent and less on methodology or more importantly, outcome. From consumers to corporations we are all aware, or should be aware, of our obligations to reduce our impact on the environment. We have all seen some radical ideas proposed by central government and some of which, like banning single-use plastics are beginning to make a positive impact.
Unfortunately, all too often, although a corporate body or public entity may have intentions of adopting best practice, rarely do they insist that the same values are adopted throughout their supply chain. More specifically, these same entities struggle with the two opposing goals of procuring a building or fit-out at the lowest cost and being true to their Sustainability Delivery Goals, reducing carbon footprint and or their impact upon the environment.
As a business we understand the challenges clients face when procurement has to consider; financial constraints, quality and longevity of products, and corporate social responsibility CSR (now referred to as Sustainability Development Goals, SDG). So, we thought we would take a look at three client case studies where our circular economy ethos has helped them address these issues and how they have reaped the rewards in the long term.
In 2002 Toyota (GB) Limited purchased large quantities of Burland/Electropatent’s Multipoint Desk Power modules. Often referred to as the “Panzer Tanks” of the industry, they are designed and manufactured with longevity and reliability in mind. Sheet steel, solid copper bus bars, solder terminations, and an all-round high quality/heavy duty construction achieve this.
Some 19 years later, Due to the quality construction of our Multipoint Desk Power modules Toyota (GB) Limited were able to upgrade the power strips to comply with the latest wiring regs, requiring additional local earth leakage protection. Toyota (via NG Bailey) returned units in batches of 50, where we removed the old switch and fuse and replaced them with an RCBO and new hinged cover. These were tested and returned to site for re-installation.
Having upgraded the units to comply with wiring regs, the units were made good and our client could rely on the products for another 30-40 years if needed. Toyota purchased a product once, no doubt at a higher capital cost than lesser plastic products, with a five-year service life. This allowed significant savings in both financial costs and environmental impact, not just during our products initial 19-year life span but for years to come. It would not be unreasonable to assume that from initial installation to today, 4 or possibly 5 cycles of renewing furniture and associated electrics would be scrapped and end up in landfill or at worse, in the sea.
A company who adopts circular economy principles and spends a little more for a quality product at the outset, is in a win-win scenario as they spend less over time, reduce waste, pollution and reduces their carbon footprint.
To view Richard Vass, Managing Director of Burland Technology Solutions, talking about the positive impact of the ‘circular economy’ please click here.
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